Enjoy the best offers at Amrâth Hotel DuCasque

At Amrâth Hotel DuCasque, you stay right at the Vrijthof and enjoy the best deals. Discover the vibrant city, indulge in a luxurious overnight stay, and experience Maastricht's warm hospitality in one of the cozy restaurants or cafés.

A cultural getaway, a romantic stay, or a luxurious night in the heart of Maastricht. Our deals make your visit even more special.

Which deal suits your perfect getaway?

Colorful wildflowers in bloom under a blue sky on a sunny spring day.

Spring Deal in Maastricht

Enjoy a 15% discount on an overnight stay including breakfast with our Spring Deal.

Experience the art-deco charm of Amrâth Hotel DuCasque, located right on the Vrijthof. Discover atmospheric streets, enjoy Burgundian dishes, and dive into the rich history of Maastricht. A spring stay in this iconic hotel is an experience in itself.

Your perfect Spring Break awaits here!

View the Spring Deal